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Gssc 同窓会グループ


Parker Garcia
Parker Garcia

How LPKF CircuitCAM Can Improve Your PCB Prototyping Process

the lpkf protomat s62 is a circuit board plotters for in-house rapid pcb prototyping. this compact high-speed plotter provides unequaled precision and performance for quickly and easily milling and drilling circuit board prototypes in minutes. in-house pcb prototyping gets your designs to market faster by eliminating production delays and high costs that can occur with outside vendors. it also makes your design data secure by keeping it in-house and under your control. the protomat s62 delivers unmatched precision with system resolution as fine as 0.01 mils (0.25 m).

lpkf circuitcam 6 1 1 11


when you open your job file in circuitcam, you can see in the menu bar that you can select the 2nd layer you wish to plot the entire surface. this is default, as we do not plan to drill into this layer.

sometimes the lamination process is sped up by using a cold pressing laminate system that can use air or nitrogen to hold the laminate while it is pressed. the lpkf laminator has a built in water chiller and can also run as a cold pressing system. you can use the water chiller as a hot press or as a cold press to laminate parts. you can use it to laminate your own parts, a few parts at a time or a few hundred parts in a single batch.

lpkf can do more than just laminate though. they also make a conveyor and can laminate upwards of 4000 parts per hour. this allows you to make thousands of parts all at once. the lpkf conveyor is a simple system that uses a conveyor belt that moves the part through a cartridge. the cartridge is completely enclosed by the conveyor belt and an air inlet, air outlet and vacuum outlet are all built in. it is a very easy system to use. it's simple to install and it works well for fabricating parts with the appropriate hole sizes.




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