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Parker Garcia
Parker Garcia

Hijra Sex Organ Photo !FULL!

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hijra sex organ photo

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Historically and culturally hijras are based in Hinduism and they perform solely for Hindus. However, hijras are not all Hindu themselves. Many are Muslim and a few are Christian. In fact, some hijras follow the beliefs and practices of both Hinduism and Islam. For example, some hijras center their community around the Hindu goddess Bahuchara Mata while also taking a Muslim name and observing Islamic traditions such as Ramadan. Just as hijra are not limited by binary views of gender, some are not limited by a single religious tradition.

Secondary sex characteristics may present on a spectrum of development in patients undergoing hormone therapy, to some degree dependent on duration of hormone use and age of initiation. Transgender men may have facial and body hair growth, clitoromegaly, increased muscle mass, masculine fat redistribution, androgenic alopecia, and acne. Transgender women may have breast development (often underdeveloped), feminine fat redistribution, reduced muscle mass, thinned or absent body hair, thinned or absent facial hair, softened, thinner skin, and testicles that have decreased in size or completely retract.[4] Patients who have undergone gender affirming surgeries may have varying physical exam findings depending on the procedures performed, approaches used, and occurrence of complications. Providers should maintain an organ inventory to guide screening and management of certain specific complaints.

The prostatic urethra is the portion of the urethra that traverses the prostate. It originates in the region of the bladder neck, courses roughly 2.5 cm inferiorly, and terminates at the membranous urethra. It lies in a retropubic location and is bordered superiorly by the bladder and supported inferiorly by the sphincter urethrae externus muscle and the perineal membrane (formerly called the urogenital diaphragm). It is invested in the prostate, a glandular and fibrostromal organ that secretes seminal fluids and has clinical relevance.

However, it is important to note that sex is not binary. People may have the sex chromosomes that people typically associate with being male or female but have reproductive organs and genitals that are not typically male or female. This is known as being intersex.

A wide range of media can be used to germinate seeds. With experience, you will learn to determine what works best for you. The germinating medium should be fine and uniform yet well aerated and loose. It should be free of insects, disease organisms, nematodes, weeds, and weed seeds. It should also be of low fertility and capable of holding moisture but be well drained. Purchase commercial potting media containing fine-particle pine bark, sphagnum peat moss, and perlite, or prepare a combination of equal parts (by volume) of these materials. Do not use garden (mineral) soil to start seedlings; it is not sterile, it is too heavy, and it does not drain well. Soil mixes have little fertility, so seedlings must be watered with a dilute fertilizer solution soon after germination and emergence.

Most garden stores and seed catalogs offer indoor and outdoor seed tapes. Seed tapes have precisely spaced seeds enclosed in an organic, water-soluble material. When planted, the tape dissolves and the seeds germinate normally. Seed tapes are convenient for extremely small, hard-to-handle seeds. Seed tapes allow uniform emergence, eliminate overcrowding, and permit sowing in perfectly straight rows. The tapes can be cut at any point for multiple row plantings, and thinning is rarely necessary. Tapes are more expensive per seed.

Micropropagation is a rapidly growing part of the plant propagation industry. It is not practical for most home gardeners because of the very specific requirements of the culture media and the constant efforts that must be made to avoid possible contamination from disease organisms. For nurseries, special care must be taken in transporting micropropagated plants from the lab to the store because they are not acclimated to outdoor growing conditions.

It is known that transgender and transsexual individuals experience discrimination based on their gender identity. People who identify as transgender are twice as likely to experience assault or discrimination as non-transgender individuals; they are also one and a half times more likely to experience intimidation (National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, 2010). Organizations such as the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH), Trans Pulse, and the National Center for Trans Equality work to support and prevent, respond to, and end all types of violence against transgender, transsexual, and homosexual individuals. These organizations hope that by educating the public about gender identity and empowering transgender and transsexual individuals, this violence will end.

The nature side, on the other hand, argues that gender is not neutral at birth. Gender is predetermined by the in utero hormonal processes that lead to the sexual development of the foetus. Even in intersex children, there is a distinct psychosexual predisposition to one gender or the other. Early in foetal development hormones act directly to organize the brain along gender lines, and the release of hormones at puberty produce sex-specific characteristics and behaviours.

How do the distinctions between male and female, and the social attribution of different qualities to each, serve to organize our institutions (the family, occupational structure, and the public/private divide, etc.)? How do these distinctions organize differential access to rewards, privileges, and power? In society, how and why are women not treated as the equals of men?

Serena Nanda, an anthropologist who's studied the hijra in great detail, titled her book on them Neither Male or Female. That's because it's the most basic thing to understand about them: they aren't men or women, and they don't want to be either.

Typically, hijra are born with male genitalia, though some are intersex (born with hybrid male/female sex characteristics). Most hijras elect later in life to surgically remove the penis and testicles. This is not done as part of male-to-female gender reassignment surgery: hijra affirmatively do not want genitalia of either sex.

The genital removal is about two things. First, identity: for many hijra, removing their sexual organs is about removing themselves from the traditional gender and sexual identities that they reject. Second, religion: the surgery itself is a part of a ceremony celebrating Bahuchara Mata, an Hindu mother goddess traditionally associated with people who challenge male-female categories.

On top of all of that, hijra often dress like women, act in stereotypically feminine ways, and prefer female pronouns. Why? Sometimes, because hijra want to live as women. Some hijra are "wives," married to men, or otherwise fully female.

But, for most hijra, the whole point of the thing is not to be pinned down. "The power of the combined man/woman is a frequent and significant theme" in Hinduism, according to Nanda (it's worth noting here some hijras are Muslim). The hijra embody that theme, and enforcing strict rules on just how one needs to combine male and female identities would defeat the point.

On the other hand, the reason the hijras have been able to monopolize the market on these performances is precisely because they're willing to act in a sexually explicit, socially shunned manner. Their undesirableness makes them valuable.

Likewise with prostitution. "There is no question that hijras widely engage in prostitution," Nanda writes. "Indeed, it may be their major source of income." However, hijras themselves have a conflicted relationship with the prostitutes in their ranks, as celibacy is an important part of their worship system. But since sex-for-money is too lucrative to give up, it's become a tolerated part of their community.

This is partly colonialism's fault. In 1871, the British colonial authorities, who were imposing conservative Victorian social codes throughout the empire, criminalized hijras' performances, stripping them of legal protection and allowing them to be arrested without warrant. The British left almost 70 years ago, but those Victorian-era codes have in many cases remained. Until this week's ruling, police sometimes used this law to harass hijras.

The Supreme Court didn't just require a check box on forms for "third gender." It also recognized the hijras' rights as a minority community to jobs, welfare, and health services. It's a huge step for both legal and social equality.

Moreover, it's really hard to draw lessons about broader Indian views on homosexuality from the hijra experience. To understand why, take a look at the views of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the political party that's overwhelmingly favored to win the next nation election.

The BJP are Hindu nationalists, often identified as social conservatives. The party endorsed the Supreme Court's ruling on homosexuality, its spokesperson saying that "homosexuality is an unnatural act and cannot be supported." Yet BJP has actively courted hijra votes, and even floated the idea of running a hijra candidate for office. And in one of the party's strongholds, prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's Gujarat state, hijras enjoy a broad slate of legal rights. That apparent contradiction goes to show that, ever since their performances were criminalized in the 1870s, hijras' place in Indian society has gotten much more difficult.

Intersex people are born with a variety of differences in their sex traits and reproductive anatomy. There is a wide variety of difference among intersex variations, including differences in genitalia, chromosomes, gonads, internal sex organs, hormone production, hormone response, and/or secondary sex traits. According to experts, upper estimates are that nearly 2% of the general population is born with intersex traits.




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