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Parker Garcia
Parker Garcia

[S6E5] Love's A Witch ((LINK))

However, despite in many of her dreadful flaws, Melisandre's true and only goal in life was to ensure that fire would defeat ice and thus prevent the destruction of mankind by taking part in the efforts to destroy the white walkers. Even after being banished from Winterfell by Jon Snow for murdering Shireen, Melisandre still remained truly loyal to Jon Snow and his cause, as she knew that he was needed to defeat ice and death for good. She bravely and honorably returned to Winterfell before the Battle of Winterfell to use her magical powers to help keep the dead away, which proved to be advantageous in the battle, and was even the one who instructed Arya to finally slay the Night King and his army of the dead for good, by telling her to defy the god of death. She also showed no fear of dying, as she informed Varys after being banished from Winterfell that she would purposefully return to Westeros one final time to die, and after the dead are all destroyed, she walked off into the snow, removing her bewitched ruby choker, and succumbed to old age and died peacefully, having realized she had served her divine purpose in the world and probably allowing her to be finally with the Lord of the Light in the afterlife.

[S6E5] Love's A Witch


Melisandre is one of the people whom Ramsay demands from Jon in the Pink Letter, referring to her as "his [Stannis's] red witch." It is unclear why Ramsay (if indeed the letter was written by him) needs her.

Rita St. Swithens appeared on the first season of Human Resources as the mother of the David Thewlis-voiced Shame Wizard. Then, she was voiced by Dame Helen Mirren. In her appearance on Big Mouth this season, where she presides over a triptych of stories about "Vagina Shame," she'll be voiced by English actress Juliet Mills. The sister of The Parent Trap actress Hayley Mills, Juliet starred opposite Jack Lemmon in the Billy Wilder-directed Avanti! in 1972, but is probably best known to contemporary audiences as the witch Tabitha from the now-canceled daytime soap Passions.

Back in the real world, Sabrina arrives on her literal broomstick with less than 12 hours left to pull everyone back into their bodies. But in order to do that, she needs a coven of at least six witches, which is conveniently how many women are sitting in front of her! Sabrina, Heather, and Cheryl are already witches, obviously, so how are Veronica, Tabitha, and Betty going to help? Oh, you know, they're going to become witches. I know what you're thinking: How?! People can't just become witches, can they?! Turns out, they can! All they have to do is follow three simple steps:

First, they sign their name in a book of witchcraft. Easy enough! Then they pledge allegiance to Hecate. Also pretty easy! And finally, they have a dance party, where they all have to dance like they're in the 50's. Not sure why that's important, but it is, and now, they're all witches! Truly as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Speaking of crazy choices, Tabitha finally reveals what Rafael told her: Baby Anthony is immortal, and Tabitha is Riverdale's guardian angel. I'm not going to lie, for most of this episode, I was into just how weird it was. It felt right for Riverdale to finally just be full of witches! But an IMMORTAL child and Tabitha as an angel?! Where are we going with this!? Remember when Betty and Archie just wanted to go to a school dance?

Throughout the witch trial, many "witnesses" have clearly concocted stories and been paid off, but a few damning details come out about the cures that Geillis sells to the locals, including one girl who nearly bled to death trying to rid herself of an unwanted pregnancy. On the second day, after Claire refuses to be tested by being submerged in water (the theory being that a witch will float, while an innocent woman will sink), she is stripped from the waist up and whipped until Jamie arrives to fling the jet rosary around Claire's neck. He manages to stop the whipping, but the crowd grows restless and uncontrollable.

Months later, when Dougal tells Claire about Jamie's capture and impending execution at Wentworth Prison, he conveys a message from Geillis: the numbers one, nine, six, and eight,[9] and the message, "I think it is possible, but I do not know." Dougal tells Claire that Geillis is dead, burned as a witch after her son was born three months prior.

In Scotland in 1968, Claire tells Roger Wakefield that Geillis Duncan was his ancestor and that she was burned as a witch in 1743. When she asks Fiona Graham about the standing stones at Craigh na Dun, Fiona tells her that another woman had been asking about them. She says the woman, Gillian Edgars, was tall and fair-haired with very striking green eyes, and that she reminded Fiona of someone. Claire asks Roger if they should try to stop her from going through the stones and Roger says yes, even if it puts his very existence in danger.

Geillis conceived Dougal MacKenzie's bastard child, and her pregnancy saved her from being burned as a witch for several months. After she gave birth to a son, the child was given to another family to raise. Dougal saved her from burning, using the corpse of a recently deceased woman in her place.

Synopsis: "Who is the baddest witch of all? Find out as the All Stars showcase their acting chops in this spooky spoof. Superstar Angela Bassett offers bewitching advice, and Guest Judge Emma Roberts stops by to cast a spell of her own." 041b061a72




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