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Parker Garcia
Parker Garcia

Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics 150; Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do

Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics - Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do

If you are looking for a comprehensive, reliable and engaging textbook for your Edexcel A-level Mathematics course, you might want to consider Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do. This book covers all the pure, mechanics and statistics content needed for AS and A-level Year 1 for the 2017 Edexcel specification, and provides clear explanations, worked examples, practice questions and answers, as well as online support and resources. In this article, we will review this book in detail and show you how it can help you achieve your academic goals.

Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics 150; Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do


What is Edexcel A-level Mathematics?

The structure and content of the course

Edexcel A-level Mathematics is a two-year course that consists of three main components: pure mathematics, mechanics and statistics. Pure mathematics covers topics such as algebra, trigonometry, calculus, vectors and proof. Mechanics covers topics such as forces, kinematics, momentum, energy and moments. Statistics covers topics such as data analysis, probability, distributions, hypothesis testing and correlation. Each component has a different weight in the final grade, depending on whether you are taking AS or A-level.

For AS level, you need to take two exams at the end of the first year. Paper 1 is a 2-hour exam that assesses pure mathematics (62.5% of the total marks) and statistics (37.5% of the total marks). Paper 2 is a 1-hour exam that assesses mechanics (100% of the total marks). For A-level, you need to take three exams at the end of the second year. Paper 1 is a 2-hour exam that assesses pure mathematics (100% of the total marks). Paper 2 is a 2-hour exam that assesses pure mathematics (50% of the total marks) and mechanics (50% of the total marks). Paper 3 is a 2-hour exam that assesses pure mathematics (50% of the total marks) and statistics (50% of the total marks).

The benefits of studying Edexcel A-level Mathematics

Studying Edexcel A-level Mathematics can bring you many benefits, both academically and personally. Here are some of them:

  • It can help you develop your logical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills.

  • It can enhance your understanding of other subjects that involve mathematics, such as physics, chemistry, engineering, economics and computer science.

  • It can prepare you for further studies or careers in mathematics-related fields, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

  • It can boost your confidence and enjoyment of mathematics.

  • It can open up a wide range of opportunities and choices for your future.

What is Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do?

The features and format of the book

Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do is a textbook that covers all the pure, mechanics and statistics content needed for AS and A-level Year 1 for the 2017 Edexcel specification. It is endorsed by Edexcel, which means that it follows the official syllabus and exam requirements. The book has the following features and format:

  • It is divided into 11 chapters, each covering a different topic or theme.

  • Each chapter begins with a summary of the key points and learning objectives.

  • Each chapter contains clear explanations, worked examples, practice questions and answers, as well as tips, hints and reminders.

  • Each chapter ends with a review exercise and a mixed exercise that test your understanding and skills.

  • The book also includes two mock exam papers with answers and mark schemes, as well as a glossary of terms and formulae.

  • The book comes with access to an online platform called Collins Connect, where you can find additional resources such as videos, interactive questions, worksheets, solutions and exam-style questions.

The topics and exercises covered in the book

The book covers all the topics and exercises that you need to master for your AS and A-level Year 1 mathematics course. Here is a brief overview of what you will learn in each chapter:






You will learn how to use different methods of proof, such as direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by exhaustion and proof by induction. You will also learn how to prove some important results in number theory, such as the divisibility rules, the irrationality of root 2 and the infinitude of primes.


Algebra and functions

You will learn how to manipulate algebraic expressions, such as expanding brackets, factorising, simplifying fractions and rationalising denominators. You will also learn how to work with different types of functions, such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, composite functions and modulus functions. You will also learn how to sketch graphs of functions and find their domains, ranges, intercepts, asymptotes and turning points.


Coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane

You will learn how to use coordinate geometry to find the equations of straight lines, circles, parabolas and ellipses. You will also learn how to find the gradients, lengths, midpoints and angles of lines and curves. You will also learn how to use coordinate geometry to solve problems involving loci, tangents and normals.


Sequences and series

You will learn how to work with different types of sequences and series, such as arithmetic sequences and series, geometric sequences and series, recurrence relations and sigma notation. You will also learn how to use the binomial theorem to expand binomial expressions. You will also learn how to use sequences and series to model real-life situations.



You will learn how to use trigonometry to find the ratios, angles and sides of right-angled triangles. You will also learn how to use trigonometry to find the exact values of trigonometric functions for special angles. You will also learn how to use trigonometry to solve problems involving non-right-angled triangles using the sine rule, the cosine rule and the area formula. You will also learn how to use trigonometry to prove identities and solve equations involving trigonometric functions.


Exponentials and logarithms

You will learn how to work with exponentials and logarithms, such as simplifying expressions, solving equations and finding inverse functions. You will also learn how to use exponentials and logarithms to model real-life situations involving growth and decay.

also learn how to use differentiation to find the gradients, tangents and normals of curves. You will also learn how to use differentiation to find the stationary points and points of inflection of functions. You will also learn how to use differentiation to sketch graphs of functions and optimise real-life situations.



You will learn how to integrate functions using the rules of integration, such as the reverse power rule, the sum and difference rule and the substitution rule. You will also learn how to use integration to find the areas under curves and between curves. You will also learn how to use integration to find the volumes of revolution and the mean values of functions.



You will learn how to work with vectors, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying by scalars and finding magnitudes and directions. You will also learn how to use vectors to find the equations of lines and planes. You will also learn how to use vectors to find the angles, distances and intersections of lines and planes. You will also learn how to use vectors to solve problems involving forces and velocities.


Quantities and units in mechanics

You will learn how to use quantities and units in mechanics, such as mass, length, time, speed, velocity, acceleration, force, weight, momentum, impulse and energy. You will also learn how to convert between different units and use prefixes. You will also learn how to use dimensional analysis to check the validity of equations.



You will learn how to use kinematics to describe the motion of particles in one and two dimensions. You will also learn how to use kinematics equations, graphs and vectors to find the displacement, velocity and acceleration of particles. You will also learn how to use kinematics to solve problems involving constant acceleration, projectiles and relative motion.


Forces and Newton's laws

You will learn how to use forces and Newton's laws to analyse the motion of particles under different types of forces. You will also learn how to draw free-body diagrams and resolve forces into components. You will also learn how to use forces and Newton's laws to solve problems involving friction, tension, normal reaction, weight and resultant force.


Statistical sampling

You will learn how to use statistical sampling to collect data from a population or a sample. You will also learn how to design surveys and experiments using different types of sampling methods, such as random sampling, stratified sampling and systematic sampling. You will also learn how to assess the advantages and disadvantages of different sampling methods.


Data presentation and interpretation

You will learn how to present and interpret data using different types of diagrams, such as histograms, box plots, stem-and-leaf diagrams and scatter graphs. You will also learn how to calculate and compare measures of central tendency, such as mean, median and mode. You will also learn how to calculate and compare measures of dispersion, such as range, interquartile range and standard deviation.



You will learn how to calculate probabilities using different methods, such as listing outcomes, using Venn diagrams, using tree diagrams and using conditional probability. You will also learn how to apply the rules of probability, such as the addition rule, the multiplication rule and Bayes' theorem. You will also learn how to use probability models, such as binomial distribution and normal distribution.

How to use Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do effectively?

Tips for studying with the book

If you want to get the most out of this book, here are some tips for studying with it:

  • Read each chapter carefully and make notes of the key points and formulas.

  • Work through each example step by step and check your understanding with the explanations.

  • Attempt each practice question on your own before looking at the answers.

  • Review each chapter with the summary and learning objectives.

  • Test yourself with the review exercise and mixed exercise at the end of each chapter.

  • Use the online platform Collins Connect to access more resources and practice questions.

  • Ask your teacher or tutor for help if you get stuck or confused.

Tips for revising with the book

If you want to prepare well for your exams, here are some tips for revising with the book:

  • Revise each topic regularly and systematically using the book and your notes.

  • Use the mock exam papers to practice under timed conditions and check your progress.

  • Use the mark schemes and examiner reports to improve your answers and avoid common mistakes.

  • Use the online platform Collins Connect to access more revision materials and exam-style questions.

  • Review your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the areas that need more improvement.

  • Seek feedback from your teacher or tutor and learn from your errors.

Tips for taking the exams with the book

If you want to perform well in your exams, here are some tips for taking the exams with the book:

  • Read each question carefully and understand what it is asking you to do.

  • Show all your working and reasoning clearly and neatly.

  • Check your answers for accuracy and units.

  • Use the formulae sheet and calculator wisely and correctly.

  • Manage your time well and attempt all the questions.

  • Use the book as a reference and a guide, but not as a substitute for your own knowledge and skills.

Where to buy Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do?

The price and availability of the book

The book has a recommended retail price of 28.99, but you can find it cheaper online or in some bookstores. The book is widely available in the UK and internationally, both in print and digital formats. You can order the book from the official Collins website, Amazon, or other online retailers. You can also find the book in some libraries, schools, colleges or universities.

The reviews and ratings of the book

The book has received mostly positive reviews and ratings from students, teachers and reviewers. Here are some of the comments that people have made about the book:

  • "This is a very good textbook for Edexcel A-level Mathematics. It covers all the topics in depth and with clarity. The examples are well explained and the exercises are challenging. The online resources are also very helpful."

  • "I really like this book. It is easy to follow and understand. The layout is attractive and colourful. The questions are varied and relevant. The answers are detailed and accurate. The online platform is user-friendly and interactive."

  • "This is a great book for revision and practice. It has everything you need to prepare for your exams. The mock papers are realistic and useful. The mark schemes and examiner reports are informative and insightful. The online platform has more revision materials and exam-style questions."

The alternatives and comparisons of the book

The book is not the only textbook available for Edexcel A-level Mathematics. There are other books that you can use as alternatives or supplements to this book. Here are some of them:

  • Edexcel AS/A level Mathematics Pure Mathematics Year 1/AS Textbook + e-book by Greg Attwood, Jack Barraclough, Ian Bettison, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Su Nicholson, Keith Pledger, Harry Smith, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins (Pearson Education Limited, 2017)

  • Edexcel AS/A level Mathematics Statistics & Mechanics Year 1/AS Textbook + e-book by Greg Attwood, Ian Bettison, Alan Clegg, Jane Dyer, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, Jean Littlewood, Bronwen Moran, Laurence Pateman (Pearson Education Limited, 2017)

  • New A-Level Maths for Edexcel: Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition by CGP Books (Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP), 2018)

You can compare these books with Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do based on different criteria, such as content coverage, explanation quality, exercise difficulty, answer detail, online support, price value, etc. You can also read reviews and ratings from other users to get a better idea of their strengths and weaknesses.


and A-level Year 1 for the 2017 Edexcel specification. It provides clear explanations, worked examples, practice questions and answers, as well as online support and resources. It can help you study, revise and take the exams effectively. It is endorsed by Edexcel and has received positive feedback from students, teachers and reviewers. It is available in print and digital formats at a reasonable price. It is one of the best textbooks for Edexcel A-level Mathematics, but you can also use other books as alternatives or supplements to it. If you are interested in buying this book, you can order it online or find it in some bookstores or libraries.

We hope that this article has given you a comprehensive overview of Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do and how it can help you achieve your academic goals. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading and good luck with your mathematics studies!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Collins Edexcel A-level Mathematics Student Book Year 1 And AS Do and their answers:

  • Q: How can I access the online platform Collins Connect?

  • A: You can access the online platform Collins Connect by registering with your email address and entering the code that comes with your book. You can then log in to your account and access the resources and questions for your book.

  • Q: How can I get the answers to the practice questions in the book?

  • A: You can find the answers to the practice questions in the book at the end of each chapter. You can also find the solutions and mark schemes to the practice questions on the online platform Collins Connect.

  • Q: How can I get more practice questions and exam-style questions for Edexcel A-level Mathematics?

  • A: You can get more practice questions and exam-style questions for Edexcel A-level Mathematics on the online platform Collins Connect. You can also use other books or websites that provide more questions and papers for Edexcel A-level Mathematics.

  • Q: How can I get feedback and help with my mathematics studies?

  • A: You can get feedback and help with your mathematics studies from your teacher or tutor, who can explain concepts, check your work, give advice and answer your queries. You can also use online forums or groups where you can ask questions, share ideas and learn from others.

  • Q: How can I improve my mathematics skills and confidence?

  • A: You can improve your mathematics skills and confidence by practicing regularly, reviewing your mistakes, seeking feedback, applying your knowledge to real-life situations, challenging yourself with harder problems, and enjoying mathematics as a fun and rewarding subject.





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